Sleep – one of the most mysterious and interesting phenomena in our lives. In the era of the ancient Romans, some dreams were even submitted for consideration and interpretation of the Roman Senate. They thought that dreams were messages of the gods, and in times of war and large campaigns generals were in possession of the person interpreting their dreams. In addition to this, many people know that many of the great people of their creative ideas come in a dream. But what do we really know about dreams?
Here are some great and interesting things about dreams.

1 You forget 90% of your dreams
Within 5 minutes after waking up, leaving half of the memories of a dream, after 10 – you do not remember 90%.
2 Blind people also have dreams
People who become blind after birth can see images in a dream. People who are born blind do not see any pictures, but see no less vivid images on their other senses of hearing, smell, touch and emotion.
3 All have dreams
Everyone dreams (except for people with critical mental disorders). If you think that you have not seen a dream – you just forget it.
4 In our dreams we see people who have seen ever more
Our brain can not draw faces – in our dreams we see real faces of real people that we have ever seen in our lifetime. We can not remember all the faces, but our subconscious remembers almost everything. During the life of modern man sees hundreds or even thousands of people, so the brain has to choose from.
5 Not everyone dreams in color
Already 12% of sighted people see black and white dreams. The remaining 88% of sleep in color. Research from 1915 to the 1950s found that the majority of dreams were in black and white, but these results began to change from the 1960s. Today, only 4.4% of people dream of 25 years – black and white. Recent studies have suggested that these changes may be associated with the transition from black-and-white TV to color media.
6 Dreams symbolic
If you dream about a certain subject, it is not a dream. Dreams speak very deeply symbolic language. You dream images, but not specific items.
7 Emotions
Most of emotions experienced during sleep are associated with anxiety. Negative emotions are much more common than positive ones.
8 You see 4 to 7 dreams per night
There are even a few phases of sleep: from light sleep to deep.
9 Animals also have dreams
study was conducted on many different animals, and they all show similar brain processes during sleep, as well as in humans. See how sometimes sleeping dog. Paws move like when running, and sounds like the fierce pursuit, but only in a dream.
10 Paralysis of the body
One of the stages of sleep – the stage at which there is a rapid movement of the eyes. This stage takes the adult 20-25% of sleep, it is about 90-120 minutes per night.
During this phase of sleep a person’s body is paralyzed by a special mechanism in the brain, which does not allow movements of the body in a dream move to the motion of the body awake.
11 Dream Incorporation
Our mind interprets the external stimuli so that our feelings are literally slaughtered them and we make them a part of his dream. This means that sometimes what we hear from the reality woven into our sleep. For example, you can dream that you are at a concert, while your brother plays guitar in the next room.
12 men and women to withdraw various dreams
Men tend to see in dreams males. About 70% of the characters in the men’s dream – as men. On the other hand women’s dreams are made up of almost equal numbers of men and women. In addition, men have more aggressive emotions in a dream, and the women are all balanced.
13 Prophetic dreams
Several studies of populations in different countries have shown that between 18% and 38% of people at least once seen a prophetic dream and 70% have experienced déjà vu (deja vu). Percentage of people who believe in prophetic dreams possible is even higher – 63% to 98%.
14 If you snore, you’re not dreaming
this fact, or rather the judgment is fairly well known, but there is no scientific evidence as yet unknown. Therefore, up to you. But if you do not snore, then you have nothing to fear.
15 You can experience a dream of p r and gp
You can have not only e x ualnoe excitement, as in real life, but also you can experience on the p and g gp, so strong, that it will be indistinguishable from present. Feelings can be so pleasant and strong (some say even more), to the extent possible in reality.