10 tips to stay slim over christmas

The sooner you try out these tips, the more prepared you
will be for the holiday foods.
1. Activity compensates for extra calories
Give yourself the gift of 30 minutes of exercise a day. In
addition to burning calories, exercise also helps to relieve
tension – so you are less likely to eat to control holiday
2. H20, H20, H20
A little water goes a long way – small sips throughout the
day are a smart way to keep well hydrated. It acts as a
shock absorber and joint lubricant, helps to transport
nutrients and eliminate waste, and works in regulating
body temperature. Even better, water has no fat, no
calories and no cholesterol.
3. Be a food snob
Don’t waste precious calories on everyday chips or biscuits.
Be selective and choose only the foods you really love, or
that you associate with the season.
4. Bundle flavours
Variety might be the spice of life, but it is also a recipe for
overeating. Bundle together similar flavours. For instance,
put only salty (or meaty) foods on your plate at once. You
will grow tired of that specific flavour more quickly and
end up feeling satisfied on fewer calories.
5. Pare down those portions
Try to keep your portions small and make only one visit to
the table. Choose the smallest plate possible. Pile greens
and other tasty veggies on your plate first, leaving just a
little room for those high-calorie treats like sweets and
cheeses. Eat small, lower-calorie meals during the day so
you can enjoy a special treat later – just make sure you do
not starve yourself for the party and overeat later.
6. Step away from the table
If you don’t put your choices on a plate, you have no idea
how much you are really eating. The worst thing you can
do at a party is stand around the table dipping into the
7. Drink slimmer
Alcohol is a double whammy during the holidays. It tends
to weaken your resistance when it comes to eating, and
the calories in drinks add up quickly. Sip on a glass of
water between cocktails.
8. “I paid for it, so I’m going to eat it”
Don’t feel as if you need to clean your plate just because
you paid for it. Put part of your meal right away into a
take-home container. Portion sizes in restaurants can be
two to three times the amount you need. Instead of the
usual starch and vegetable sides, skip the starch and double
the veggies instead. Stop eating as soon as you begin to
feel full.
9. Zen Yourself
Holidays can be stressful. Keep expectations for the holiday
season manageable. Organise your time and make a list
and prioritise the important activities. Be realistic about
what you can and cannot do. And don’t forget to schedule
some down time to relax.
10. Slip, don’t slide
If you eat three helpings of mashed potatoes and half a
pie, all is not lost. Rather than polishing off the rest,
learn from your slip-up. Next time, eat a salad first, start
a conversation, and park yourself far from the danger
zone. The next time starts today.
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