8 Ways S3x Keeps You Young, Healthy And Beautiful

s*x: what does it mean to you? is is mere physical exercise, a release for libido moments, an expression of love or it is more?
Well, no matter what it means to you, you are about to change your mind…
s*x, according to scientists, does wonders for your health and can even  slow down the ageing process, boost your immune system — generally make you live longer.
As a matter of fact, according to a report in the Daily Mail an active s*x life will help you keep your youthful looks longer.
The following are some of the benefits of s*x:
  1. Stay Young, Good Skin: Scientists say people who have s*x three times a week look between four and seven years younger. They say s*x is an aerobic form of exercise which promotes skin renewal. During s*x,  blood being pumped around the body pushes up  fresher skin cells to the surface of the skin. This creates a younger appearance because the cells sit higher up on the skin’s surface.
  2. Lifts your mood: Female orgasm releases oxytocin  which generates emotional feelings such as warmth and nurturing. This hormone is released only in women and is the same hormone secreted after childbirth.
  3. Stay Fit: Regular s*x can also help you lose weight because you can burn between 100 and 250 calories an hour of s*x, during which all major muscle groups are exercised. Regular s*x and gym activity will help you burn up even more calories.
  4. Boost Immunity: s*x also helps improve stimulate your immune system.
  5. Stress Relief: s*x and indeed orgasm triggers the release of endorphins (feel-good chemicals) secreted that act as effective painkillers and takes pressure off the brain. After orgasm all muscle groups, especially the neck and back, relax.
  6. Protect the heart: Especially for men who have crossed the 40-years-line, s*x is can help can help raise the level of testosterone which is said to protect the heart.
  7. Live longer: Longevity have been linked with frequency of s*x for both sexes and researchers say having two or more orgasm a week can halve the risk of dying prematurely compared with those who had one orgasm a month.
  8. Lowers pregnancy risks: A study also shows that women in a long-term [sexual] relationship may be less likely to have complications in pregnancy.
It just might be time to up your s*x life.
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