Dove P1, the first project of the latest innovation "PROJECT D0VE(Designed with zero vehicle emission)", is a vehicle that is set to be completed this April. "P1 is more like a baby step design" said  Mr. Olukoya. This Unilag engineering innovator with the help of other brilliant minds have started small but are going to improve through the years, they are set to expand Project D.0.V.E such that there will be competitions in the building and exhibition of innovative vehicles which will be open to students from various institutions, "I want to have something to show forth as an engineering student and be able to reach out to the geniuses and creative minds out there", he said.
Dove P1, although experiencing financial constraints, is constructed with high energy efficient materials, it is a combination of parts from different vehicles to make a functional car of indigenous design.
Project Dove is a platform that is open to external investors, young inventors, and people who want to make earth a better place from all over the globe. It also aims at connecting the students and the automobile industry.
So like we said, be expecting Project Dove in an institution near you...
Thumbs up guys, we look forward to more amazing inventions.

For more info on Project D0VE click on this link projectd0ve.blogspot.com

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