Kim Kardashian Is, Like, Straight-Up Naked In These New Paper Photos

Just when I thought it was safe to Internet, Paper drops even more NSFW pics of Kim Kardashian on us. Don’t you see, Paper? We only get one Internet. Stop breaking this one.
While the reality TV star-turned-gaming mogul got cheeky (hay) on the cover ofPaper‘s Winter 2014 issue, released last night, she is completely nude in one of the photos from the full spread, which was published on Wednesday (November 12). Unless you count the glamorous black dress she’s kinda, sorta holding. Which I don’t.
Check out the NSFW photos in full, and read the Kim Kardashian cover story at Paper.
kim kardashian
The spread, shot by French photographer Jean-Paul Goude, is intentionally confrontational. “There is an actual woman — a physical body where the forces of fame and wealth converge,” Amanda Fortini writes in the accompanying cover story. “Who isn’t at least a tad curious about the flesh that carries the myth?”
Since I’m sure the last thing you want to do in this post is read what I have to say, I’ll sum up the rest of the article as quick as possible: In real life, Kim is “like a beautiful anime character come to life.” Fortini also describes her as the “High Priestess of Instagram,” which — accurate. Oh, and Kimmy K.’s publishing a selfie collection next spring, titled Selfish.
OK, go look at the photos.
kim kardashian
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