Dismissed Policeman Impersonates Four CPs And Collect Salaries In 15 Units

A police officer who was dismissed from service years ago, Victor Banor, has baffled the police authorities on how he managed to impersonate four Commissioners of Police and in the process, collect salaries in 15 police formations totalling about N20 million.
That is the puzzle the Zone 2 Police Command in Lagos, is trying to solve in a case handled by a Federal High Court in Lagos.
The police equally alleged that Banor, who was serving at the Umunede Police Division in Delta State, was dismissed from the Force in 2011 for allegedly stealing an exhibit vehicle in a criminal case under investigation.
But while perpetrating his crimes, Banor allegedly forged office stamps of various Commissioners of Police of Anambra, Enugu, Lagos and Kogi States, with which he forged and signed fake documents which he altered and used to open 25 salary accounts for himself.
The Legal Officer of Zone 2 Command, Mr. Justin Enang, stated this in a counter-affidavit filed in opposition to Banor’s suit seeking declaration that his prolonged detention without trial was a violation of his rights.
Banor had joined as respondents in his suit, the Inspector General of Police, the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad, Adeniji Adele, Lagos; and the Investigating Police Officer, DSP Solomon Igwe.
Opposing Banor’s prayers before Justice C.J. Aneke of the Federal High Court, Enang said it would only be in the interest of justice if the court would discountenance Banor’s application seeking to be freed.
While arguing that the likelihood of Banor absconding was high, Enang noted that the accused had failed to turn up until he was arrested in Onitsha, Anambra State on April 15, this year.
Enang said:

When he was arrested, he claimed to be a Chief Superintendent of Police, flashing a police warrant card and demanding to be shown respect as a “senior officer”.

Photocopies of forged police identity cards were found on him, with the names: “CSP” Afamefuna Banor V. and “W/SGT” Hannah Markson Banor, among others.

The police further found badges and insignia of a Deputy Commissioner of Police in his home. He absconded from the Enugu Command with a Police Berretta pistol loaded with eight rounds of ammunition.

Ongoing investigation has revealed a barrage of forgeries leading to monumental fraud by the applicant who opened more than 25 bank accounts using fictitious names with which he has been collecting and still collects monthly salaries from over 15 command payrolls across the country.

Releasing the applicant will jeopardise our investigation as he is still dribbling us over the service pistol in his possession, taking us on a wild-goose chase.

It will be in the interest of justice to refuse this application as many lives are still at risk since the applicant has refused to produce the police automatic weapon he absconded with.
The counter-affidavit deposed to by the third respondent, Igwe, read in part:

The applicant forged office stamps of various Commissioners of Police, including CP Awka, Enugu, Lagos and Kogi States with which he forged and signed fake documents which he uttered to the various banks to open salary accounts for himself.

If the applicant is released on bail, the prosecution of the charges will be at risk and he will not make himself available for trial as he will run away as usual.

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