The 5 Stages Of Dealing With Your First Bad Grade

Back-to-school season is over, and now it’s just plain ol’ SCHOOL season. That means midterms are in full swing, and someone on your college campus — hopefully it’s not you — is crying in a corner of the library.
Sometimes you’ll manage to get an “A” even if you procrastinate, but not every test or paper will go your way. Here’s how your first bad grade will go down…
1. Denial
Denial 1

“No, I didn’t guess half the answers on the biggest exam of the semester. Nah, that 15-page paper I cranked out in an hour was TOTALLY coherent. I’ll just go out and rage with my friends tonight and forget about this whole stinkin’ mess. No big deal!”

*takes a nap, wakes up six hours later*
“OMG, what have I done?”
2. Anger

“My professor has it out for me! I swear! That one question I got wrong doesn’t even make sense. This HAS to be a mistake.”

*frantically flips through textbook*
“Aha! See! Look right here! The professor didn’t even TELL us this!”
*shoves textbook in nearest friend’s face*
“It’s not fair! I could do a better job of teaching this class…right?!”
*friend nods along regardless of whether or not you’re right*
3. Bargaining
“Dear Professor, I hope you’re doing well. I’m emailing because I feel like there was a grading error made on my midterm exam. It says on the answer key that ‘Chocolate’ was the answer to question 32, but in the textbook (the pie chart on pg 164) it says ‘Nutella’ could also be correct. Can I get points back for this question? Thanks!”
*two weeks pass*
“Talk to your TA –Prof”
*two minutes later*
“Dear Professor, Thank you so much for your response! Is partial credit a possibility? Do you offer extra credit?”
4. Depression

“I’m never gonna graduate on time. No one will hire me. I’m gonna have to move back home and live with my parents for the rest of my life.”

*crying intensifies*
5. Acceptance
Scale of caring

“Ugh…I guess I can get away with a ‘B’ for the semester if I just bust my ass for every other exam. All right, cool. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll be a studying MACHINE! I got this!”

*takes another nap*
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