3 signs she’s good at sex

So you like this girl and you’d love to jump into bed with her? What if she sucks (not the good kind) at it, though? There are ways to tell.

Or at least so Men’s Health, says.

Meet me at this place at that time

A woman who takes charge of a situation and says what she wants shouldn’t be intimidating to guys. She should be admired, because it’s awesome and it means she’s probably like that in bed. She leaves little guesswork for you, too.

Bite me

When you have dinner with her, watch how she eats. How does she manage her plate? Is she grabby and greedy or does she pick at her plate? It’s a simple game of object substitution, dudes.

Kiss and tell

The way she kisses totally gives away her skills in bed, says Ava Cadell, Ph.D., an L.A.-based sexologist and author. Does she peck you on the lips like some woodpecker (also not the good kind) or does she press her breasts against you and moan and groan as she caresses your tongue with hers?
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