#1: Always Be Willing to Compromise
Arguments are unavoidable, but if you go into them knowing that you can’t win them all, they are much easier to work through. Compromising is an essential part of any successful relationship, as long as it is not the same person doing it every time. Compromise on the fights you can live without winning so you can get back to the good stuff as quickly as possible!
#2: Be Spontaneous
The honeymoon stage only lasts for so long and you may find your relationship seeming a bit boring from time to time. Surprise your significant other with something new once and a while! Go somewhere you’ve never been or do something adventurous. Shaking things up every now and then can work wonders.
#3: Show Appreciation
Your relationship will suffer if someone feels underappreciated. This doesn’t mean you have to blow your bank account at a fancy dinner or with an extravagant gift, but simply telling them what they mean to you every once and a while can mean the world.
#4: Don’t Forget About Your Own Needs
Being selfless in your relationship is admirable and even necessary at times, but never forget about yourself! Imagine how terrible it would be to give up a dream for someone and have the relationship not work out. Personal success and happiness for both parties is vital to maintaining a healthy relationship.
#5: Don’t Try to Change the Other Person
It’s easy to want to “fix” your significant other, whether it be their bad boy rep or her broken heart, but this could easily lead to them feeling insufficient. Accept them for their imperfections and if it’s right they will change and grow on their own merit. If you can’t deal with them, it may not be a relationship you want to be in.
#6: Communication is Everything
If you don’t communicate effectively, you will fight. Be honest with one another. You can never communicate too much! Talk enough so the other isn’t constantly worried, and talk through your problems instead of letting them fester.
#7: Attraction Matters (but it isn’t everything)
Physical attraction is important, but loving their personality is too! Make sure to appreciate both aspects in your relationship.
#8: Make Time for Your Friends
If you do everything together, you will get sick of each other, you will fight more, and your friends will not be happy with you. Find the right balance of time with each other and time with your friends, you need each other but you need your friends just as much, maybe more!
#9: Get Along with Their Family
Remember: you can’t choose your family! Family is important to most people, and they’re not going anywhere. Getting along with them and being on their good side will only make things easier.
#10: Remember why you’re Together!
When things get rough, remember why you decided to be together in the first place. Going back to the basics can help you realize why you’re so great together!