SAMSUNG.....the future or nah?

        Hello again and a very Happy New Year to you all. I know it's late believe the last time I was here we talked about the perfect smartphone. I've been under the weather literally and that is the reason for my absence. Thanks to those who wished me well and for those who didn't know how to get to me, i'll leave my e-mail address at the end of this post. On that note, let's get right to it.
       Yes, SAMSUNG. All over the globe Samsung rule the smartphone market. Recently giving even Apple a run for their money. From the S3, to the S4 and now the S5, their flagship Smartphones never disappoint. Be it on specifications, functionality, durability. Samsung always bring all their cards to the table. And with their introduction of the Smartphone-Tablet Hybrid "The NOTE Family", they truly are leading the way. But even with all this there are phones out there that best whatever Samsung have to offer but don't have as much recognition as  they do. I don't really understand that. If you've got a better phone why not just do all you can to put it out there.
       If I were to sub any company in particular it would be LG. You cannot come across phones with better all round functionality or specs. But how many times do you see an LG G3 advert on your TV as opposed to the a million an one Galaxy S5 adverts you see every day. Samsung even went ahead as to make the Galaxy 11 video thingy just to advertise the gears and the phones. One thing's for certain, whoever is in charge of HR and advertising should really be on 24/7 watch should other companies try to poach.
      So with all this we can finally go to the initial Question. SAMSUNG. Are they the future or nah? Sure they are top Dog now, but how long will they keep this up. In my opinion, I feel for a very very long time. They are always trying to do something different and innovative just to keep up with the times. And by keep up with the times, I mean full-on Dictatorship in the Smart World.
       Remember when flip phones were the shit and we all wanted one. We would save up or for those of us with sweet mouth, or those like me who had lots of semi-grown up relatives who knew what was what, would go begging hands and knees for one.
     In May 2014, Samsung decided it was time to bring sexy back....

              The Samsung G9098 Dual Sim, Dual Standby 3.67 inch flip smartphone in all it's android awesomeness.  I for one loved the idea. I guess not everyone else. They didn't make it high end because they didn't know how customers would accept this idea. And they were right to do so. This phone was to be sold in China and better more efficient versions would be made if perceived well. The phone ended up being only sold in China. That's one awesome idea down the drain. Thank you assholes. I wonder why they won't come testing here in Nigeria. Black people will buy anything. And maybe that's the problem. Oh well....
        Now, fast forwarding to more recent times Samsung has recently revealed that they will be releasing a new phone. The Samsung Z1. Now, I know what you may be thinking..."they've finally decided to drop the Galaxy S for a new letter"...not quite. The Z1 is also a paranormal phone which Samsung have decided to make in order to show to the world their latest idea for moving forward.
                   They call it  "TIZEN". SAMSUNG'S very own operating system.
Samsung Z1

         This is the Z1 which will have TIZEN pre-installed. As expected, it isn't a high end, high spec smartphone. Just your average Joe low budget smartphone. The point is to see how customers perceive their new look as good or nah. The phone however will only be sold in India which quite frankly is good for them given the high population density and high demand for low budget smartphones. But bad for we tech lovers down here. What if the Tizen isn't received positively. We may never get to see what could have been. I'm not saying Samsung are the first company to try make a new OS, but i doubt if most people know any other Operating systems besides Windows, IOS and the Android. Most people have forgotten the Symbian and the Belle pf Nokia. in fact, most people have forgptten Nokia all together. But that's straying from the point. The point is Mozilla made an OS and failed and people say the TIZEN will follow as well. But there's something people fail to realize. Samsung is NOT Mozilla. I can't predict the future but I for one really want the TIZEN to succeed. It boasts of a lighter, more efficient interface and i'm sure Samsung will be true to their word on this.
        With all said and done, I feel Samsung IS the future of the Smartphone and I hope to see more cutting edge technology in the new year's wake. P.S The Samsung Galaxy S6 is already in rumor circles and Apple won't too happy with what it boasts . #Anticipate  ( Contact : )
                                                                           Till next time.
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