The way robbers are going this days attacking people is perplexing. Just yesterday  nollywood actor Ik Ogbonna's wife was attacked by robbers and today nollywood star Dave Ogbeni is another victim as he has just been robbed of his car.
How he narrated the incidence "At about 9.30pm I went to a saloon located opposite the presidential lodge to have a shave in preparation for 6 appointment  in benin on Friday morning. I was barely sitted while the barber name k.c was shaving me.All of a sudden two boys came into the saloon. One light skinned with a white T shirt was holding a pump action Gun which looked like a black colour but scrapped to show d metal colour inside. The other boy with the pistol is dark in complexion. They pointed the gun at me and ordered me to li down. I obeyed then he asked me to surrender my car key which I equally surrendered under durex. He asked for my phone and I told him d fone should be on d counter where d clippers were kept. When he didn't find it he told me if I joke with him he was going to shoot me. He then asked for my handset again. I told him it should be in the car that am not too sure. All the while my head was still tucked against d floor. He deeped his hand inside my pocket and took the sum of twenty two thousand naira (N22,000,00). He also took the barber's handset and wristwatch. Thereafter they zoomed off with my car with all the photo books I made for my clients, my drivers licence and my I.D card.
That night in order to alert the security operatives, I reported the incident at d control room at the police headquarters and at the A division.It is in the same thought I have decided to report same to the media "

See Photos below (attached)

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