Small cinemas offer to screen The Interview

A group of independent cinemas in the US
has offered to screen The Interview .
Plans to release the comedy film starring Seth Rogen and
James Franco were scrapped last week following terrorism
threats relating to the film's depiction of North Korea and
its leader Kim Jong-un, but the Art House Convergence -
a national coalition of smaller cinemas - has revealed it's
willing and keen to screen the controversial movie.
Russ Collins, the group's director, said: "Circumstance has
propelled The Interview into a spotlight on values,
both societal and artistic, and in honour of our support; we
want to offer our help in a way that honours our long
tradition of defending creative expression."
The movie has also received support from Congressman
Brad Sherman, who said that the US government must
"stand up against these attempts at intimidation".
He added: "We must help Sony Pictures, movie theatre
owners, and moviegoers regain the confidence to go see
The Interview ."
This comes shortly after Sony lawyer David Boies
confirmed that the studio hopes to release the movie.
He said: "Sony only delayed the release of the film. Sony
has been fighting to get this picture distributed. It will be
"How it's going to be distributed, I don't think anybody
knows quite yet. But it's going to be distributed."
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