Is Katy Perry’s ‘Mean Girls’ Tweet In Response To Taylor Swift’s ‘Bad Blood’?

Who's the queen bee stuck in your bonnet, Katy?

We’re already obsessed with finding out which female musician Taylor Swift is talking about in “Bad Blood.” In a new Rolling Stone cover story, Swift says the song from her 1989 album is about a fellow singer who she thought was her friend (or maybe frenemy), who did something “so horrible” last year that it became clear they’re “straight-up enemies.”

Okay, so Taylor’s pissed. But what’s up with Katy Perry? KP isn’t one to start beef, but on Tuesday (September 9), shots were fired and we have no idea who they were aimed at. In a fiery tweet that is so ambiguous it makes us want to break off all of her pizza nails until she fesses up, Katy threw shade at “Mean Girls” in disguise.

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