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Lady Gaga Was Also Raped and She didn't tell anyone. A common response to the rape allegations made against Bill Cosby of late has been, “Why
11 Unfair Things That Happen When Your Birthday Is In December December birthdays are kind of the worst. Trying to celebrate your big day in the middle of everyb
Bill Cosby Gets Standing Ovation Despite Rape Scandal Even in the heat of an embarrassing serial rape scandal, veteran comedian Bill Co
If Kim Kardashian Proves It’s The ‘Year Of The Booty,’ Why Aren’t Black Girls Feeling The Love? While Kim Kardashian was busy balancing stemware on her surgically i
College Freshman Dies After Sending Eerie Final Tweet About ‘Eventful Night’ This is the time of year when college fraternities and sororities should be bustling with fun pled
Maheeda Is At It Again!!!